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Should I Hire a Photographer for My Engagement?

There are very few things in life that are as exciting as getting engaged. Whether you were expecting it as a next step or were blown away by the surprise of your person popping the question, engagements are more than a gesture. They are the start of your wedding journey and future together. If this isn’t something worth capturing, what is?

Chances are, the moment you are engaged, everyone is going to know about it. Social media certainly makes it easy to take a quick snapshot of your engagement ring or eternity band and press send. We understand. This is a very exciting time, and you want to tell the world about your commitment. 

An engagement photographer will curate the same opportunity, in a timeless, stylish, and exclusive way, so you can show the world — in a photo (or many photos!) — how perfect you are together. 

Engagement Photography Captures More Than Your “Yes!” Moment

At Yours Truly Media, our engagement photographers know there is a lot more to your rendezvous than the words, “Will you marry me?” 

Your person has planned every detail of asking one of the most important questions of their life. 

Engagement photography is an exceptional way to let that sincerity, passion, and commitment shine through. 

While we are never huge fans of clichés, engagement photography truly will provide a picture that is worth a thousand words by capturing your complete connection, including how and where the engagement took place. 

Engagement Photography: The Ultimate Image, Planned or Surprised

Engagements, by nature, are typically a surprise. Unfortunately, that means you may not be ready for the big moment. 

Let’s say your person suggests you get dressed up and have a nice night out. Chances are, you are both going to look great and ready for whatever fun the night throws at you. 

Now let’s say you know you are getting engaged. Would you do something different? Would you wear the same thing? Would you have gotten that haircut sooner? 

Whether your soon-to-be fiancée (or fiancé) knows about the engagement or not — and this is something only you can decide to divulge since you know your person better than anyone else does — engagement photography allows you to build your best look without staging the moment. 

How Can an Engagement Photographer Help Me With the Surprise?

The person proposing usually plans for months before asking for their love’s hand in marriage. That should include hiring an engagement photographer to capture the “yes!”

Our engagement photographers can help proposers choose a location and explain what time of day will offer the best light and angle that will allow an exceptionally planned moment to seem like the most spontaneous few seconds of your life.  

In fact, some of our Forever Couples — both those who knew about the proposal and wanted to help plan the details and those who had no idea what was happening — said having an engagement photographer on their side leading up to the event made them feel simultaneously more at ease and over the top excited. 

If you are planning to pop the question soon, contact our experienced engagement photographers to learn everything you need to know about capturing the important words that will guide your future together. 



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