With a commitment to translating your vision into a cinematic masterpiece, our expert videographers ensure that your wedding story unfolds flawlessly, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the moment while we capture every detail with artful expertise.
Trusted by countless happy couples, our award-winning team of talented creatives combines unparalleled experience with artistic excellence, consistently delivering uncompromising quality that exceeds expectations. With Yours Truly Media, expect fast, on-time delivery for a seamless experience that reflects our unwavering dedication to making your wedding day memories last a lifetime.
Wedding Videography Packages
Cinematic Storytelling to Relive Your Wedding Any Day
Elevate your wedding memories with Yours Truly Media’s all-inclusive videography services. Our comprehensive packages encompass
- Cinematic storytelling that captures the essence of your love story
- Skilled cinematographers who expertly capture every detail and emotion
- High-quality editing that transforms raw footage into a captivating narrative
- A range of customizable options to suit your preferences
With Yours Truly Media, your wedding memories are expertly captured and transformed into stunning visuals that stand the test of time.
Transforming Moments into Timeless Films
Embark on a journey with Yours Truly Media as we guide you through a seamless process that captures the essence of your special day, from the warm welcome to the timely delivery of your cherished memories.
Warm Welcome
We embrace you into the heart of the Yours Truly Media family, dedicating ourselves to comprehending your unique vision and requirements.
Personal Connection
Our seasoned photographers and videographers establish an unbreakable bond, ensuring your comfort and trust as we meticulously capture each exquisite detail.
Your Grand Day
Every chapter of your extraordinary journey is passionately documented by our tireless team, immortalizing the intimate exchanges and grand celebrations that define your special day.
Artful Post-Production
Our skilled artisans take the reins, fashioning an artistic masterpiece that breathes life into your photos and videos, allowing you to relive the joyous moments time and time again.
Timely Delivery
Bound by our commitment to timeliness, we present you with elegantly packaged wedding photos and videos, ready to be shared and cherished eternally.
Testimonials & Reviews
Transforming Moments into Masterpieces
About Yours Truly Media
Our Passion, Your Story
At Yours Truly Media, our mission is to capture, preserve, and relive life’s most cherished moments through uncompromising quality and continuous innovation. With a commitment to excellence and transparency, we offer couples peace of mind on their special day, providing standby teams for emergencies and guaranteeing consistency in our signature style. From shooting to editing, our in-house expertise ensures your memories are treated with the same care and attention you fell in love with.
Schedule a Consultation
Begin Crafting Your Cinematic Masterpiece
Experience your wedding story come to life, beautifully preserved to be cherished for a lifetime. Our talented videographers will translate your dream wedding into a cinematic masterpiece, ensuring that each frame captures the essence of your unique vision.
Frequently Asked Questions
How much do your wedding videography packages cost?
We offer a range of wedding and engagement videography packages to suit various budgets. For detailed pricing information, please contact us directly for a personalized quote.
What is included in your wedding videography packages?
Our packages include professional videography coverage, 2 skilled videographers, cinematic editing, and a final edited wedding video. Additional services and features may vary based on the package you choose.
Can I customize a package to fit my specific needs?
Absolutely! We understand that every love story is unique. We provide a 1-hour complimentary round of revision. We offer customization options to tailor packages according to your preferences and requirement.
Do you offer additional services such as drone footage or highlight reels?
Yes, all packages include drone footage and as well as the highlight reels.
What is the turnaround time for receiving the edited wedding video?
Our standard turnaround time for delivering the edited wedding video is 4-6 weeks. We prioritize delivering high-quality work promptly.
Can I request specific shots or moments to be captured in the video?
Absolutely! We encourage you to share your vision and specific moments you’d like to be captured. Our skilled videographers will work closely with you to ensure your expectations are met.
Can I choose the music for my wedding video?
Yes, you can definitely choose the music for your wedding video. We understand the importance of music in conveying emotions and will work with your preferences. We do have several websites you can choose Royalty-Free Music from!
Can you provide references or testimonials from previous clients?
Certainly! We are proud to share testimonials from our satisfied clients. We have thousands of 5-star reviews through various review channels such as the Knot, Wedding Wire, and much more…
What is your backup plan in case of equipment failure or unforeseen circumstances on the wedding day?
We have a comprehensive backup plan in place to ensure a smooth experience even in unforeseen circumstances. Our team is equipped to handle any challenges that may arise.
How far in advance should I book your services for my wedding date?
It’s advisable to book our services as early as possible to secure your preferred date. Due to demand and availability, Most of our couples book our services 12-18 months in advance.
What is your cancellation or rescheduling policy?
Our cancellation and rescheduling policies are outlined in our service agreement. Please reach out to us for more information on these policies.
Do you have liability insurance?
Yes, we have liability insurance to ensure your peace of mind and protection during your special day. We can provide your venue the proper certifications as well!